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60 imagesJoseph Dickerson, owns and operates a therapeutic mental health organization. Dickerson Enterprise LLC (DELLC), licensed through CHR as a foster parent. DELLC is a credentialed provider of services with DCF. I am African-American and understand the complexities that our diverse communities live through.
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23 images"Mira no ha sido facil. Lo importante es dejar un legado. I want to be the city mayor…" he said, as the noise of shovels and the mixing concrete muted his words. Today, Bryan de Peña - the man in the yellow sign - is the new mayor of Lawrence. Someone says you have to let history be your judge. But unless you write your version of your own history, you cannot prevent someone to invent it for you. it will be yours, only when you care enough to write it, record it and make it your own, although throughout mistakes.
194 imagesA sweet sixteen is a coming of age party celebrating a teenager's 16th birthday, The main purpose of a sweet sixteen party is to celebrate that a child is maturing into a young adult. The differences between a Quinceanera and a sweet sixteen is that a Quinceañera is more of a ballroom setting.
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6 imagesMA. Governador Deval Patrick y junto al presidente Barack Obama en el Hynes Convention Center, en Boston, participando en el rally por la reeleción de Patrick. El discurso del Gov. Patrick fue considerados excelente. Presidente Obama - afonico - en medio de una apretada agenda politica, aprovecho para enfatizar el compromiso de su gobierno con los "Dreamers." .
12 imagesEDITORIAL, CORPORATE VS. HEADSHOTS? A headshot is a photo of someone, typically fairly close up, showing head and shoulders. The background is most often simple and nondescript. Headshots don’t generally include props; they are all about you! WHAT IS "EDITORIAL | CORPORATE? In an editorial or coporate image you tray get a real insight into the persons work environment. This makes it more of a storytelling photo. Editorial are just as much about the surroundings as they are about the person in the photograph. They are an excellent way to communicate a lot about a person in a single photo Call now without commitment: 978 590 7354
116 images13/09/2018, Lawrence, Massachusetts. Several gray smokes columns rise to cover Lawrence's sky. All across town, a series of fires spin out of control around gas leaks. People in the ground places frenetical calls to families and friends. The sirens of first responds units comes in all direction. Residents rush for safe through the O'Leary Bridget, near downtown area. Many parents rush home from work to take kids to safer places. Some kids are scare; others cry, a fews still playing online games. | Español Multiples columns de humo cubre el cielo de Lawrence. A la izquierda, abajo, se ve puente el puente O'Leary con un gran entaponamiento. Los fuegos se iniciaron en lugares con un fuerte olor a gas licuado, confirmado por el departamento de bomberos. Photo:©George Richardson/ Cinefoto. All right register
68 imagesLawrence Public Library, MA, 01840 03/26/2018. Visita del escritor Junot Diaz, a la Biblioteca Publica de Lawrence. Puesta es circulacion de "Islandborn" - "Lola" en Español. Libro infantil Bajo la direccion de Jessica Valentin, 2018
49 images"Ansel Adams, Environmentalist and Photographer” | A Slide Lecture by Lance Hidy Haverhill, MA, November 3, 2018 Photographer Ansel Adams (1902–1984) devoted his life to sharing the transformative power of wilderness through his art, and to leading the environmental movement. Speaker Lance Hidy was handpicked by Adams to collaborate on the final book of his career, "Yosemite and the Range of Light, (1979). Hidy continues to design the official Ansel Adams books for the Ansel Adams Trust and publisher Little, Brown & Company. Through his first-hand experience, Hidy brings a personal perspective to the Ansel Adams story. After graduating from Yale and cofounding the Boston publishing firm of David R. Godine, Hidy established his own design studio in 1973, when he expanded his practice to include posters, illustration, and photography, while incorporating his love of printmaking with his training in letter forms. Hidy’s writings on design history and practice have been widely published. A former art director of Harvard Business Review, he designed the typeface Penumbra for Adobe, designed three U.S. postage stamps, and specializes in corporate identity and logo design. He currently works as an accessibility specialist at NECC, helping faculty design courses that are more user-friendly.
51 imagesNEW PAINT Gala Fundraiser Please join us in celebrating 25 years of transforming lives through art. Saturday, June 8th, 6pm-10pm at the Grand Staircase Hall, Masonic Lodge which has been restored to its original splendor 43 Jackson Street Lawrence, MA Music, food, and live and silent art auctions in support of EAC’s art programs Exclusive Live Auction works by Angela Alés Joan Bediz Alan Bull John Brickels Francisco Collado Marshall Dackert David Drinon Susan Kneeland Stephen LaPierre Joan Rademacher Caleb Stone Paul Noel Live Artist demonstration by Shane Taylor Lawrence High School Student Art Auction Catering by Two Chefs Are Better Than One
21 imagesBerkley School of music, Boston. Juan Luis Guerra recibe titulo Honol y Causa
16 imagesKianny N. Antigua hace una semblanza de la sociedad caribeña del Siglo Veinte. Fermín, un personaje atrapado entre la imagen de hombre fuerte de Pedro Páramo y la metafísica de las correspondencias de Mackandal, en El reino de este mundo, se desdobla en un laberinto sexual y mortuorio cuya salida es el pliegue final, la disolución del ser.
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57 images12/30/2017 Es muy importante el significado de la familia. Esto es algo que esta rapidamente desapareciendo, en nuestra sociedad. La sesion del Dia de Accion de Gracias de la Famila Gomez, muestra: Papa descanza jugando con los mas pequeños. Mama esta en todas partes. Lista. Dirige los niños mas grandes! Disfrutan el momento. No presion. Los demas familiares tienes diferentes estilos de vida que les permite mantenece juntos como grupo y celebrar y apoyarse en momento criticos. Asi vi primera session con Los Gomez. ** MI TRABAJO *** Yo trato que mi trabajo arme a cada persona por humilde o no que sea - con una imagen positiva de si mismo, que fortaleze su autoestima. Estas fotos, retratos anuales como familia, cuentan una historia, con toda la frescura y la dignidad que mi arte fotografíco con mínimo retoque puede y debe ofrecer Gracias. *** ENGLISH *** What is very important in this context is the meaning of family, something which is quickly disappearing in our society. The Gomez Family Session shows: - Openness - Dad rests playing with the little boys - Mom is everywere. Smart. She also works through the olders kids. The enjoy the moment. The extended family uphold an alternative lifestyle that allows them to stick together as a group to party and to support one another in times of grief. That is how I understood the strength of this family
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232 imagesLa idea de la novia mezcla simplicidad y naturaleza. La Boda de Maria y Victor es una estupenda combinación de detalles. La novia deseaba una foto a la entrada de la recepcion en un portaretrato. Las fotos combinan lo formal y el fotoperiodismo. Visitamos 7 locaciones, incluyendo un granero antiguo y se uso la ciudad de Lawrence, MA, como fondo.
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1 galleryRafa Nadal Academy. My roles as lead photographer was to capture the will to win. I saw those kids - including my own - trained with experienced coaches for 6 hours, every day, for 7 days.. They are push to their limited and some quit, occasionally. Many ended with two skin tones after spending all day outdoor. They train to work hard and play hard. So I do because they are the future of tennis. George Richardson
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