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14 images07/09/2015, Bradford-Haverhill, USA The Grey Tree frog is a master of camouflage, according Mass Audubon. The gray-brown frog blends in with the tree bark on which it perches. Its call, heard from spring through summer.
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17 imagesBarack Obama, presidente de Estados Unidos durante su visita a Boston. Fotos: George Richardson
21 imagesEl 26 de Enero de 1813, nació Juan Pablo Duarte- hacen hoy 200 años. Juan Pablo Duarte, desde muy joven asumió el compromiso para que la nación dominicana se constituyera en estado independiente y soberano. Fruto del trabajo de Duarte y de los Trinitarios, el 27 de febrero de 1844, se proclama la independencia y el nacimiento de la República Dominicana. Surge entonces, como primer gobierno, la Junta Central Gubernativa, bajo la dirección de los Trinitarios y de las ideas de Juan Pablo Duarte. Esa república primigenia asumió la democracia, el respeto a la ley, el apego a la justicia y la defensa de la soberanía e independencia nacional. (Texto: Guillermo Moreno) *Texto Revisado
19 images"Cannes is a place for shocks, jolts, and surprises." Peter Bradshow. "DIAMONDS ON THE STREETS" the Festival de Cannes is buzzing for eleven glorious spring days in May. The film screenings and market where production companies set up their stands are all housed in the Palais des Festivals, overlooking the blue sweep of the bay. The red carpet at times speaks to the idea of us being trapped in a never-ending cycle of stars and luxury. Cannes nevertheless has more to say, While some streets also speak of the need for us to break out of these spaces in order to solve the problems we aren’t yet addressing, the problems have become bigger and addressed.
7 imagesIn 1965, the people of the Dominican Republic moved in two very different directions. First, towards independence and liberty, seeking to restart Juan Bosch's government. He was elected president in 1963. But soon after, under Washington's influence, they moved against each another by favoring, in the end, foreign control, in a line of USA corporations on the island. Those posters mark the 50th anniversary of la Revolucion de Abril. 7 limited edition posters by George Richardson
89 imagesThe coronavirus pandemic has led to an unprecedented global crisis. Nearly 17 million people have lost their jobs in the US. Having the ability to look at this virus through the lens of its impact on specific cities and towns, helps residents to get local news and assist cities and towns to slow the spread of this disease. This project aims to bring help and hope to businesses affected and those that need it the most, allowing the City of Lawrence to deploy our city resources more appropriately. To support the 25-Hour Project, please call 978 590 7354 and THANK YOU
286 imagesU.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., takes the stage during an event to formally launch her presidential campaign, Saturday, Feb. 9, 2019, in Lawrence, Mass. Photo: George Richardson
1 gallery13/09/2018, Lawrence, Massachusetts. Several gray smoke columns rise to cover Lawrence's sky. All across town, a series of fires spin out of control around gas leaks. People on the ground place frenetic calls to families and friends. The sirens of first response units blare in all directions. Residents rush for safety along the O'Leary Bridge, near the downtown area. Many parents rush home from work to take kids to safer places. Some kids are scared; others cry, a few others still play online games. Here's in this video a resident speaks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sKrzc-fOVw ------------ Español Multiples columnas de humo cubren el cielo de Lawrence. Desde lo alto, sobre el puente O'Leary se nota un gran entaponamiento. De acuerdo a versiones de testigos, los incendios se iniciaron en lugares que previamente habian reportados un fuerte olor a gas licuado. Esta version fue confirmado por el departamento de bomberos. Photo:©2018 George Richardson/ Cinefoto. All right register
8 imagesOprah Winfrey’s visit to the UMass Lowell campus on Thursday began with laughter when she walked into a master's class for 200 students, all wearing blue T-shirts in honor of the occasion. They jumped to their feet, clapping and cheering, then laughing when she pointed at one after another and said, “You got a shirt! You get a shirt! Everybody gets a shirt!” in a nod to her famous car giveaway on “The Oprah Winfrey Show.”
6 imagesThe Haverhill Christmas Parade is a time-honored tradition that brings together families, friends, and neighbors to celebrate the holiday season. With colorful floats, marching bands, and festive decorations, the parade offers a wealth of opportunities for families to enjoy the spirit of Christmas.