67 images Created 4 Sep 2018
Juana Matias-2018
Juana Matias, 31 años, compite por la silla vacante al congreso de Estados Unidos, dejada por Niki Tsongas, quien se retiró. Matia recaudo fondos por $472,454, situandola así en 7mo. lugar en recaudaciones. Su equipo, sin embargo se empleo al máximo y ella arrivó en 3er lugar .
English: Juana Matias, 31, ran for Third District congressional seat vacant after US Representative Niki Tsongas, retired. Matias's fundraising came in 7th place with just $472,454. Her team-nevertheless - worked hard and she ended in 3rd place. She's actually serving in the state legislature up January, 2019. She's one's of the first Latinas elected to the state Legislature.
English: Juana Matias, 31, ran for Third District congressional seat vacant after US Representative Niki Tsongas, retired. Matias's fundraising came in 7th place with just $472,454. Her team-nevertheless - worked hard and she ended in 3rd place. She's actually serving in the state legislature up January, 2019. She's one's of the first Latinas elected to the state Legislature.