115 images Created 15 Sep 2018
Lawrence Rock by Fire
13/09/2018, Lawrence, Massachusetts. Several gray smokes columns rise to cover Lawrence's sky.
All across town, a series of fires spin out of control around gas leaks. People in the ground places frenetical calls to families and friends.
The sirens of first responds units comes in all direction. Residents rush for safe through the O'Leary Bridget, near downtown area. Many parents rush home from work to take kids to safer places. Some kids are scare; others cry, a fews still playing online games.
| Español Multiples columns de humo cubre el cielo de Lawrence. A la izquierda, abajo, se ve puente el puente O'Leary con un gran entaponamiento. Los fuegos se iniciaron en lugares con un fuerte olor a gas licuado, confirmado por el departamento de bomberos. Photo:©George Richardson/ Cinefoto. All right register
All across town, a series of fires spin out of control around gas leaks. People in the ground places frenetical calls to families and friends.
The sirens of first responds units comes in all direction. Residents rush for safe through the O'Leary Bridget, near downtown area. Many parents rush home from work to take kids to safer places. Some kids are scare; others cry, a fews still playing online games.
| Español Multiples columns de humo cubre el cielo de Lawrence. A la izquierda, abajo, se ve puente el puente O'Leary con un gran entaponamiento. Los fuegos se iniciaron en lugares con un fuerte olor a gas licuado, confirmado por el departamento de bomberos. Photo:©George Richardson/ Cinefoto. All right register